IL 2 Sturmovik

1.0 4.0

A typical ending of me in IL 2 Sturmovik - parachuting down to the ground
A typical ending of me in IL 2 Sturmovik - parachuting down to the ground

Primary Buffer Panel

TODO: IL 2 Sturmovik details

I honestly can’t tell any more. I think most of this worked but I didn’t play it for years. I’ve yet to try this once more but my sporadic interest in this period is usually very short. Nevertheless I did play it sometimes usually with me ending parachuting down to the ground (or dying in a burning cockpit) 🤷

Launch parameters

Like most games does this one also not detect a screen layout but only the primary display on a Linux PC so it won’t offer the maximum resolution possible e.g. with a triple head setup đŸ–Ĩī¸đŸ–Ĩī¸đŸ–Ĩī¸. This can be worked around in multiple ways, e.g. with configuring a virtual desktop in the WINEPREFIX, by adding a virtual monitor to the system or simply by making use of gamescope, the SteamOS session compositing window manager.

Here is an example how games may be started from Steam by adding the following commands to the start parameters (That’s basically the same for e.g. Lutris btw).

gamescope -h 1200 -w 5760 -H 1200 -W 5760 -b -e – %command%

This is not needed if only one monitor is used for gaming.